Freya Update #2 + Birdfeeders

We called our vet this morning because Freya hasn’t eaten much since we got her home. Just a little canned food Thursday evening and a few bites of dry yesterday. And she isn’t simply not eating. She’s running away from the food. Set her down front of it, and she’ll take one sniff then bolt off the opposite direction. Almost like she’s scared of it.

So we’re stopping the antibiotic now and starting the Prednisone tonight. As much as we’d all like to keep Freya on the Biomox for the full week as originally planned, Dr. Ho is concerned that it’s suppressing her appetite — and right now the most important thing is that she eats.

Everything I’ve ever heard from anyone who’s had a pet on Prednisone is that they pork up fast, so here’s hoping it gives Freya back her appetite.

Another one of Freya's favorite sleeping spots

For her part, Freya’s been happy and sweet all day. She slept in the bedroom with us last night, either curled up on the pillow above Chad’s head or curled up on the bed next to my chest. Thankfully we’re not allergic to cats, because those are her two favorite places to sleep. Well, when we’re there. When we aren’t, it’s on whatever piece of furniture is in front of the TV. At the moment, that’s the futon. When we need to find her, that’s where she is.

Well, until we got the bird feeders set up.

Around here, we refer to bird feeders as kitty TV. It only gets one channel, but the cats love it. Our last house was surrounded by woods, so we didn’t need bird feeders. Our yard was always full of squirrels, birds, chipmunks, and other wildlife. Well, except when the foxes were in residence. 😉

This house is a different story. We’ve got some trees, but very few birds have made a habit of stopping by since we’ve moved in. And we haven’t seen any squirrels. “Get bird feeders” has been on our to-do list since we signed the contract for this place, so today we headed out to A.B. Seed at the Piedmont Farmers Market to get some. We’re not really bird watchers, but we asked my father- and brother-in-law last week, and they both recommended black oil sunflower seed and thistle. We picked up three different bird feeders — one that looks like a lantern, a clear one that mounts to a window with suction cups, and a thistle sock — and a squirrel feeder that takes cob corn. We also got a bag of thistle seed and a wild bird mix that’s mostly black oil sunflower seed, saffron, and pecans. We mounted the clear feeder to the French doors that open onto the deck, and put the rest of the feeders in various spots around the deck. Eventually we’ll either add more feeders or move some of these to different spots around the yard. The key is to arrange things so the birds and squirrels are easily visible from the windows and French doors.

As we finished setting everything up, we turned around to see a furry face right smack at eye level with the feeder mounted to the French doors. Freya, ready for the show to start. And wondering why it hadn’t already. 🙂

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